"manisnya sebuah PERHUBUNGAN akan terpancar daripada manisnya IMAN, bukan kerana aliran darah tetapi dipateri kerana ALLAH. mampu MEMAAFKAN keterlanjuran dan bersabar dengan kerenah insan. menegur dengan penuh kasih kerana tidak mahu terpisah di hari PEMBALASAN, berdoalah pada ALLAH agar mengikat tali ini seeratnya.."

Sunday, January 24, 2010


assalamu'alaikum wbt..

hmm..ape yg kite bley extract dari nombor2 di atas..
i got this from my lovely sis..
tau what she said bout this figure..??
in her message ; "20012010..fuyooo!!stylo seyhh nombor tu.." huhu ^_^..(sort of)
well actually it's a serial code for a product which has been produced in Gombak, Selangor for about 20 years ago..
this product celebrates its manifacturing day this year alone again without the person whose are responsible of taking care of it..
this because this product has been flyed abroad to enhance its ability and capability to ensure that this product is more usefull to the society..
and also for its own good later on..

it is the 2nd year though..
this product has undergo a lot of process in order to make it more beneficial..
including setting it again from the basis..
BASIS??after 20 yearas??yupp!! it has to be set up again back from the start..
scanning, identifying the problems and fixing the problems..
and fixing can take least or a long duration depending on how destructive is the damages..
and thank to almighty Allah this product now is undergoing a clearence process and rebuilding process at the same time..
this has to progress simultaneously to ensure there's no waste along the progress before reaching the final brand new product..
because this clearing and rebuilding process will take a lifetime..
if it dosen't go simultaneously, the product will work ineffectively..
and when the ineffectiveness occurs, this product will take more than lifetime to be fix again..

so "happy 20th anniversary" ^_^..
hope all the process will run smoothly
hope the brand new product will benefit the ummah
and hope Allah is always the one to be rely on..

p/s the product of Gombak, Selangor by Mr. & Mrs. ASY : NAAS..=)

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