"manisnya sebuah PERHUBUNGAN akan terpancar daripada manisnya IMAN, bukan kerana aliran darah tetapi dipateri kerana ALLAH. mampu MEMAAFKAN keterlanjuran dan bersabar dengan kerenah insan. menegur dengan penuh kasih kerana tidak mahu terpisah di hari PEMBALASAN, berdoalah pada ALLAH agar mengikat tali ini seeratnya.."

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Time, My Time, Our Time, HIS Time..

..in the name of Allah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim..

as i walk through the question's stores..my heart pounding and this is what i feel

but whether i believe or i did not, it will never gonna change anything..
as one had told me "till the last, never put a stop to ur effort.."
and as i walk out from the imtihan's town, i walk home with

but as time goes by, i'm not going to be able to restore the past..
as i only can make the future better..

Smiley Face With Glasses Clip Art

and i've learned theoretically about optimist..
and this is the time to practice it..
and after all "Verily your Lord does provide sustenance in abundance for whom He pleases, and He provides in a just measure. For He does know and regard all His servants" (17:30)

from Him is everything, and thus towards Him shall be everything..

p/s The time is not My time neither Ours but His time and it's certain..
make used of the chance given carefully and gratefully..
as time will never come back as it made to pass by neither slow nor fast..

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