"manisnya sebuah PERHUBUNGAN akan terpancar daripada manisnya IMAN, bukan kerana aliran darah tetapi dipateri kerana ALLAH. mampu MEMAAFKAN keterlanjuran dan bersabar dengan kerenah insan. menegur dengan penuh kasih kerana tidak mahu terpisah di hari PEMBALASAN, berdoalah pada ALLAH agar mengikat tali ini seeratnya.."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Silent Reader

assalamualaikum wbt..

talkin' bout silent reader huh??!
a silent reader is a reader whom reads one's blog silently..which means, they reads but did not leave any trace back..
what i mean by 'no trace back' is simply no comment..
they read, they get what they want and they leave..
these silent reader is a reader whom likes to know about what the authors write but don't want to be notice..
as for the reason of don't want to be noticed is millions..
it can be the silent reader is a low self-esteemed person whose always hiding behind the block..
or it can be the silent reader is an 'easy come and easy go' person whose just read the post and leave after fin..
what ever is the reason,, as for me,, a silent reader is still a reader..

for a blogger,, posting what ever they want to post is a masterpiece..
and of course masterpiece is to be appreciated..
so when there's a comment or two,, a small blogger like me would feel like top of the world..
because my masterpiece is being watched by others..
and of course it's a compliment and appreciation to the authors..
but it doesn't mean that the silent readers is not a big impact to the future writes..
as for me..knowing there's a few silent reader of my blog is really a big WOW!! to me..
i may not writing any knowledges but i may write some..
and that is why i never dreamed my blog or post to be read by peoples..

knowing them reading silently for sometimes makes me eerghhh!!..
but then i understand that i was not a great writers or bloggers..
so what's the point of being eerghhh!!..
i only writes about my thing..whom would read it ayte..??
but thanks to those whose still read some craps from my site..
i was not writing bout these to beg for comments..
no!not at all..just want to write bout those silent reader because i know few of them and i was one of the silent reader too..

"actually i just want my 'silent reader' knows that,,
i wish to be a part of the family too as i believe to be one of it..
and i wish to be someone whose lighten ur burden and helps u in everything for our same 'ghoyah'..
even i know i was and always the troublesome and the troublemaker..
but still i can be rely on or in other words i maybe can helps in certain things if not all..

i, actually don't know how to put in words and tell u frontly..
so i made this just for u to know it..
i don't know when u'll read this..
but i guess i know that u'll read this..

so, have a good days under His supervisions..
and get well soon..
hope that i can help u..
just say it..whenever u need it..
i'll be a big full hand open for help.."

p/s hopes u know it's u..(i know u know)
thanks to those whose read, even silently..


MujahiDah said...

"get well soon..."



nway.....sy rse sprti sedang 'makan cili' dn terase 'kepedasan' nye...

p/s:prasan kan sy...

Naas Yusof said...

huh!mmg perasan pon..
awk tu bukan silent reader lagi dah..huhu..
i was pointing it to someone..
it can be anyone..
becoz silent reader r silent..
we sometimes / most of the time didn't noticed their existence..
so it's up to the one who feels it him/her..

MujahiDah said...
