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This is me few months before
Kembali dalam mase yg agak singkat kann??XD
Well friendss..,
As u'all can see up above is my pic in a lab coat..
Spot the different...!!hehe..
Mmg byk yg nak di spotkan kann??
Just want to highlight on the biggest different..
Of course not my weight!!
Don't u ever dare to spot that one..sigh..;)
Well maybe some will know n some will not..
Just wanna story sket bout my life in this few months..
In the interchange of years to be exact..
What happen between this interval of time..(2008 wa 2009)
Well my fellow friends (cewah cam tulis krgn syarahan SPM lak ye..:)
As for those who knows, I now have already settled in Egypt to pursue in Medic..
As for those who don't, now I'm tellin' ya..
The 2nd pic tu is actually taken when I'm in KMPk taking Sains Hayat..
Dreamed to become a doctor one day but diminished by my awful midsem result..
Failing 4 or 5 times in my chemistry quizes affects my result..
(only few close friends know bout this, my family don't even know bout it,hope they don't know forever,just don't want them dissapoint)
The last quiz is not for me..
I'm not able to take it due to my leave..
Well actually the day I suppose to take the quiz is the day I left the college..
Why left??I'll tell ya..
But the last quiz I take aka the one before the last quiz which xsempat taken by me..,
Makes me smile a bit..At least I have one quiz pass out of all..although it'll not jamin my 'Dr'..:)
I actually gain back my confidence after the 'pass' quiz but then..
He gave me a precious gift..
I got a letter which can confirm my 'Dr'..
Its been days for me and family to decide whether to accept the offer or neglect it..
After all the argue(not really argue,discussion..saje hiperbola..hehe..),
I was woken up by my mom telling me to pack up..
Pack up??She's telling me I'm goin' to Egypt for my 'Dr'..
What is my feeling at that time??
I was on my bed..it's around 6:15am..
Time where I supposed to get up and get ready for lectures that day..
But then I have to wake up to leave my precious memory in KMPk!!..
Its all mix up in my heart and mind..Trust me..
And it's the day where I suppose to take my last chemistry quiz..:)
(nasib baik,kalo x,tambah lagi koleksi fail aku..)
Well ape yg terjadi pasti ade hikmahnye..
I now in Egypt, Mansoura to be exact taking Medic..=)
And its on the top pic..
Now mmg strugle lak tok subject2 medic nih..
Mmg kalo nak ape pon course, there is an ujian nye..
So don't ever think u can get what u want even u're in the right track..
Cause without His redha n berkat u'll never go anywhere..
As for me..I'm trying to go back to assolah(asal) where n what I suppose to do before..
So that I'm here is not for wasting time n money..
So..what am I craping around dari td..??
The change happen in this interval time is :
2008 I'm in KMPk n 2009 I'm in Mansoura University of Egypt..
The different yg nak dikatekan is the stethoscope..itu je..
mmg lah coat beza...
yg ats tu lab coat Mansoura,manakala di bwh tu kmpk lab coat..
macam mane shill wat my link tu,ajar ckit boleh tak??
ey kamo disana...
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