Hey everybody..
Its the newest installment after the last one..
Hmm...agak cepat kan..hehe..besela cuti..
Well, what am I goin' to talk about this time??..
Hmm..I guess its all about the pic ayte??
Hmm..It was taken on..if not mistaken 4 Feb 2009..
Yes!!I'm really sure..
Well actually its me on a 'safina' (cycle boat)..
Macam kat Titiwangse tuh..
Me n my housemate mmg dah lame plan nak g bekayuh kat Sg.Nil tu..
Just that we have no time to go there..
With the permission of Allah, we finally went there..(after our extremely stressful exams)
Right after we've settled our visa which not fully settle..yet..
Its fun actually to walk with your housemates..
Especially time time riadhah camni..fun sgt..
Moreover, at that time I was like having a new life..
I was like have a new breath..a new light..n I feel like I have the new bright pathway..insyaAllah..
And I like myself with that feelin'..
It makes me feel light (of course not my weight haha..)
Just that we have no time to go there..
With the permission of Allah, we finally went there..(after our extremely stressful exams)
Right after we've settled our visa which not fully settle..yet..
Its fun actually to walk with your housemates..
Especially time time riadhah camni..fun sgt..
Moreover, at that time I was like having a new life..
I was like have a new breath..a new light..n I feel like I have the new bright pathway..insyaAllah..
And I like myself with that feelin'..
It makes me feel light (of course not my weight haha..)
My mind is so free..only think of how lucky I am to feel free and light like that..
Only Allah knows what happen to me and thank to Him for giving me the oppoturnity..
I really have a new life right now..n hopin' everyone would have one..
I hope its not just now..I hope it last forever till the last breath of mine..
(eh..I write quite a lot this time..haha..)
For the first pic..cantik kan??
It reminds me of my uncle as stated there..
And if he know about what I write here about him, he must be smiling like a yard wide..
But sorry uncle my new life have thaught me to be more aware of 'ikhtilat'..
But still, uncle, knowing you have change my life and my perception..
Don't worry when the time's come we'll meet each other..insyaAllah..
I also really looking forward to our meeting..(haha..now I'm imagining the time n place where we'll meet soon..)
Well uncle, as if you don't know pon what I write here..I wish you the best for everything..
If you all wanna know my uncle Space is someone whom has cheer my life whenever I needed..
Why him??I also wonder..
Now that I have the answer..
Well, not always your friends is beside you whenever you need them..
Eventhough you always be there for them..
They also have their own life n friends to manage..
Your're not the only one..
After all you maybe just a friend from a list of friends they have..
So don't rely on them too much because you maybe burdening them..
But you have to be there whenever they need you..(that't my principle)
Just tolak ansur with them..they love you actually..maybe its just not the right time..
(ape yg aku melalut nih??..ni la die bile mcm2 nak dipekatekan..haha)
Ape kene mengene lak ngn my uncle nih??
Haaa...he is the one whom I never rely on..
But when I write to him..He'll answer me..
So its makes me better actually, even he reply late..
And he treat me as I'm the very special niece of him..(tu yg sometimes makes me feel special..die ske layan my kerenah..hehe..sorry uncle)
Thanks uncle..so muchh..
Hmm maybe only and the only this installment will I mention bout you, uncle..
This is the first and the last..
Well, my friends..
After all what I wrote above..
There's only One whom we can rely hopes for the rest of our life..
Yakni Allah swt..
Only He knows what best and what worst for us..
Even it's the worst He gaves us, it's actually the best for us..
So, don't you ever complain about Him..
Cause He is the Only One whose Maha Perfect
Oklah banyak jugak I write this time..(sampai melalut-lalut)
Proud of myself..
Thank Allah for giving me the idea now..
So, bye for now..
Jazakillah Khairan Kathira..
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