"manisnya sebuah PERHUBUNGAN akan terpancar daripada manisnya IMAN, bukan kerana aliran darah tetapi dipateri kerana ALLAH. mampu MEMAAFKAN keterlanjuran dan bersabar dengan kerenah insan. menegur dengan penuh kasih kerana tidak mahu terpisah di hari PEMBALASAN, berdoalah pada ALLAH agar mengikat tali ini seeratnya.."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sick Party for Sick People

huhu..what a tittle..

last night i have to say goodbye to all my 'adik'..
though it's hard for me to say goodbye but i and the other 'akaks' have to let them go..
though it's only bout 1 month we met, yet y'all are the joyousness in our life for this 1 month..
we'll really misses y'all 'adik2'..~_^
hope to meet y'all soon..
study hard smartly okay..

after all the goodbyes..i was supposed to go to my hollow friends's house to send them something but instead they come and meet me at the place i send my 'adik2'..
and fortunately we went out unplanned..(why i feel my language are bad in this post..??)
'sick party',, as its important criteria is to be participated by sick people..
and we were all sick that night..
me with zygomaticus major and minor spasm..
and others with cough and cold fever, and diarrhoea..
huhu..kinda funny..i was not suppossedly let them be in the cold night and eat some outside food..but unfortunately...it'd happened..
should blame myself for that..
after all, we were having a fun night together..
one of my hollow friends supposed to have a class nearby the place where we lepak..
but then we spent the time together till late of night and went back together..
sorry friend for ur not going to ur class thing..huhu..
what a bad friend i am..

it was a very precious night for me though..
thanks guys..
for spending ur priceless time with some unknown..
and for staying up alive last night even y'all are unwell..huhu..
thank you so much..
u know what??this type of event i'll save it in my hippocampus under file tittled 'sweet memories that CANNOT be deleted'..

p/s hope for a better recovery..


MujahiDah said...

1st of all...
for the 1st time,u are using "salam alaikk"
it's rare though :)

what a title???
sprti ku knal itu tajuk...tapi di mane ya..?

and one more thing..]
those priceless time is not for some UNKNOWN..
but for a very SPECIAL KNOWN person in certain hearts...

Naas Yusof said...

since it's rare..
so i changed it..
so it'll not look rare okies..
thanks for reminding me..
it was one of my policy of phrases too..
i was not supposed to use that greet..
thanks so much ^_^ really appriciate it..

well not all known is special..
as sometimes an unknown would count too..