hey!hey!what up!!?
oopss!!sory..kinda forgot..ish ish..
assalamualaikummm wbt.. :)
haaaa been thinkin' bout publishing a post in full english..
it has been a long time since i dunno when, i haven't come out with full english post..
that's is the reason of the existance of this blog..
so need to appriciate it..huhu..(what am i crapin' around..??)
well, i have nothin' to say when i'm thinkin bout publishing new post in my favourite languange but..
thanks to Ms Ida Nafisah..thanks so much that she gave me somethin' to write about..
well, actually i just came back home from my Physiology exam n finds out that my name is stated in her lovely blog for an award!!
wow!!kinda excited..ngeee:D
never had one before..this one is the first..
so, up there on the right is my award..yuuhuuuu..
but what comes with the award is a few questions..
n i have to answer it..
these are the questions n the answers..(unfortunately i just copy&paste the questions, so it is in malay..answers are in my lovely favourite colonialist language..hehe..)
1. Copy badge "2009 Cute's Blogger Award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
yup, already done..
2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.
she is the lovely ms ida nafisah..a friend of mine..met around the year of 2008 at a very memorable place of mine, KMPk..she love Hlovate's n she's the one who's responsible for my interest in Hlovate's..she's a very kind person n a very good friend u can hope on..she always remembers u whenever she could n i knew that in her blood, flows somethin' called 'friendship is the 2nd after my family..' she, for me has a lot to describe on which i suddenly thought of creating a story bout her in my next new post..insyaAllah..
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag)FAKTA
- i'm a person who's livin' my life now somewhere in Egypt
- craving about becoming a surgeon
- like to do unstressfull thing i.e playin' around, not studying (mostly during exam fever)
- love my friends a lot
- someone whom always hope that people would understands her
- the one whom used to has a very high level of egoism but never admit it
- someone whom never likes changes, but in a process of changing herself
- tryin' to fill the heart with ma'rifatullah
- the truth is..i'm kinda hungry rite now..huuuhu
- the last but never least is that errr..mmmm..'i love ms ida nafisah so much..'(blushing..n out of cool..huhu)
4. Anda perlu memilih 6penerima award seterusnya dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.suke ati la nk buat ke x
>ms ida nafisah again..she's the most qualified person to receive awards
>dr. czarina due to thaughtful blog of hers
>hadiqatul's blog
>cik long
there..all questions have been answered..
nothin' much to say here..
just wanna have some food n rest..
have to stay alive for the next oral n Histo's
p/s sorry for here and there grammatical error..
been a long time since i don't practice my english here in Egypt..
n please never care bout the spell alright..??huhu..
later post will be written in full english..(as for my desire only..dunno if there is anyone whom'll read it..:)
for this one is not fulling my intention..
welcome dear~
eeheheheh..thoughtful blog of mine...
=p :D
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