"manisnya sebuah PERHUBUNGAN akan terpancar daripada manisnya IMAN, bukan kerana aliran darah tetapi dipateri kerana ALLAH. mampu MEMAAFKAN keterlanjuran dan bersabar dengan kerenah insan. menegur dengan penuh kasih kerana tidak mahu terpisah di hari PEMBALASAN, berdoalah pada ALLAH agar mengikat tali ini seeratnya.."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What A Day..

hey hey hey
what's up dawgg!!..huuhu..

huh..been a very weak day (yesterday)..
not that i have to work all day long nor study 24 hours full..
but what happen yesterday makes me forget Him for a moment (na'uzubillah)
wait!!..where didi i go yesterday..??
ahh..anatomy extra 'peritoneum'..ooppss!!class..heee..
well nothing really bad happen, just a little unwell..
i'm gettin' better..just that, right after i reach home..
i click on this particular web, just to check out my exam dates (just to ensure)..
u know what!!i almost get a tachycardia!!
the exam days is a week early then it suppose to be..
all day long after that, i felt really down n dissapoint..
why not?!i haven't prepare anything yet for my 'beloved' exams..
yet it'll come with no sign !!suddenly it closing me without warn..and its a week earlier..!!
its like if a pregnant women, the child will be born premature..
n i will never want a premature baby..err..a premature result when it comes out..
i have no idea what happen..
i'm quite silent yesterday which rarely done by me..
and its really stressing me out..
in the chaos situation..(actually the chaos in my heart..)
i need a pair of ear to hear my voice..
but as usual..i'm a phathetic girl is again being ignored by the people around..
(mane idoknye, yg len pon tensen tetibe ubah waktu exam..)
so i talked to myself..that's y my fellow blockmates, if u see me not as i am yesterday..
that's what happen..(plus ngn tonsil yg sampai kemuncak sakitnye smlm..huh mmg dugaan)
i'm really2 sory!!..okaii..asiff..
(ngn tazkirah yg mmg kene tepat kat muke nihh..lagiii laahhh..rase gelap je pandangan ku smlm..terasa kabur..huhu..)

well now, today, i gain myself a little bit..
lucky the dates are wrong..
n i got the real date which i get before i check the one on the web..
so insyaAllah everything will be fine..
pray for me..

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