"manisnya sebuah PERHUBUNGAN akan terpancar daripada manisnya IMAN, bukan kerana aliran darah tetapi dipateri kerana ALLAH. mampu MEMAAFKAN keterlanjuran dan bersabar dengan kerenah insan. menegur dengan penuh kasih kerana tidak mahu terpisah di hari PEMBALASAN, berdoalah pada ALLAH agar mengikat tali ini seeratnya.."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Award lagii..layakkah aku??

Copy award di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.

Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ini.
1.ms ini sgt menyayangi kawan2 die
2.ms ini sgt pendiam, tp dalam diam die ade kehebatan yg boley buat aku tenganga
3.ms ini sgt terer bab IT hasil beguru ngn adik die..sampai aku pon blaja ngn die
4.ms ini baru je celebrate b'day yg ke 19 20 june lalu
5.ms ini sgt menyayangi family die sesangat
Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 5 fakta & 5 hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya.
5 fakta
1.x tau asal sebenar aku (lahir selangor, tinggal KL, jd mane satu asal aku??)
2.suke makan nasi goreng (uhh nak balik m'sia)
3.skrg tgh dalam fatrah exam final (cepat la abis)
4.berperwatakan ala2 cool gitu (huhu..perasan!)
5.sgt sayang kawan2 aku (smkbb,kmpk,mansoura,n of course ptsw!)
5 hobi
1.kaco orang
2.kaco orang
4.buat mende yg relax dan x membebankan otak
5.suke wat org risau tp org x penah risau pon..huhu..
Anda perlu memilih 5 penerima award seterusnya dan describe tentang mereka.
1.dr.czarin > bakal dr. yg sgt syg papa die
2.dr.muslimah > bakal dr. dan bakal ustazah a.k.a pendakwah
3.hadiqatuls (maksudnye semua admin2nye) >bakal dr. & dentist yg berjaya insyaAllah
4.cik long > bakal CIMB aku in the future
5.dr.wani dealova > bakal dr.faridah yg disayangi ramai
p/s pd sesape yg namenye tesenarai kat atas, buat la buat laa..nak nengok korg nye interest gak..huhu..

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hey Yaaa Karma!

hey hey what's up..
been healthy these days??..
hope so, as i'm in a good state too..
just feeling a lil' tired n emotional these few days..
health..?i guess i'm in a pink of health..haha..

well..well..new post from me n it's titled 'karma' once again..
well, event occur not in gam'ah n not during exam is take place..
but during my good intention of helping a friend..
it happen yesterday..
planning to write bout it yesterday but i put a lil' more attention to my Hlovate's 'Rooftop Rant' till dawn..huhu..(how she/he has trap me in her/his masterpiece!)

well..i'm helping a friend for a new house..
and i suppose to bring her to the supposedly shown house yesterday evening..
so we met somewhere near our house..
while waiting n waiting n waiting..
(i never thought bout this karma thing will happen..but it certainly dose..)
i saw her n her future housemates opposite the road..
n ya know what??(of course ya not..i haven't tell any..sigh)
right after she n her friends cross the road n walk towards us(me n my friend)..
i suddenly kinda droped my jaw to the road..!
i saw someone whom i talked back about between them!..
owhh hoho..it such a karma..!
i suddenly remembered bout my past post bout karma..
n all the event i encountered with..
from dr.adel to dr.essam to the 'someone' n now to the other 'someone'..
hooo..how Allah really wants to tell me the rights n the wrongs..
my intention are good i guess..i'm helping a friend..!
but at the same time i'm actually helping the 'someone' too!..(which i never know)
ohohohooo..how world are too small for us to live in it..
ohohohooo..how Egypt are too tiny untill we can bang to each other..
ohohohooo..how Allah's really cares bout me..

n yeah! as usual i take it as the reminder from Allah..
n not to overeact..but think!..
think about how the life in a blessed land of Egypt would be..
how it really hit you when you do something false..
because this is the blessed land of the prophets..
Allah warned you sometimes, directly..
n in a short period as well..

so, as for me n to all friends in Egypt n somewhere nearby..
it is our chance to execute goodness n to vanish badness n the ignorance..
as our prophet has said "if u have a seed in ur hand, plant it..even u know the world is ending.."(sort of says)
it means, every breath you take and every seconds you live, do benevolance n leave the badness n mostly our ignorance..(kind of meaning)

p/s don't talked bad back about someone ya not even know n this means also to people ya know..
never done wrong if u can..but if u do..go back n repent..to those (if u can make it) n to the Greatest..
never been karma aytess!!..?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thanks Ms Ida Nafisah

hey!hey!what up!!?

oopss!!sory..kinda forgot..ish ish..

assalamualaikummm wbt.. :)

haaaa been thinkin' bout publishing a post in full english..

it has been a long time since i dunno when, i haven't come out with full english post..

that's is the reason of the existance of this blog..

so need to appriciate it..huhu..(what am i crapin' around..??)

well, i have nothin' to say when i'm thinkin bout publishing new post in my favourite languange but..

thanks to Ms Ida Nafisah..thanks so much that she gave me somethin' to write about..

well, actually i just came back home from my Physiology exam n finds out that my name is stated in her lovely blog for an award!!

wow!!kinda excited..ngeee:D

never had one before..this one is the first..

so, up there on the right is my award..yuuhuuuu..

but what comes with the award is a few questions..

n i have to answer it..

these are the questions n the answers..(unfortunately i just copy&paste the questions, so it is in malay..answers are in my lovely favourite colonialist language..hehe..)

1. Copy badge "2009 Cute's Blogger Award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.

yup, already done..

2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.

she is the lovely ms ida nafisah..a friend of mine..met around the year of 2008 at a very memorable place of mine, KMPk..she love Hlovate's n she's the one who's responsible for my interest in Hlovate's..she's a very kind person n a very good friend u can hope on..she always remembers u whenever she could n i knew that in her blood, flows somethin' called 'friendship is the 2nd after my family..' she, for me has a lot to describe on which i suddenly thought of creating a story bout her in my next new post..insyaAllah..

3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag)FAKTA

  • i'm a person who's livin' my life now somewhere in Egypt
  • craving about becoming a surgeon
  • like to do unstressfull thing i.e playin' around, not studying (mostly during exam fever)
  • love my friends a lot
  • someone whom always hope that people would understands her
  • the one whom used to has a very high level of egoism but never admit it
  • someone whom never likes changes, but in a process of changing herself
  • tryin' to fill the heart with ma'rifatullah
  • the truth is..i'm kinda hungry rite now..huuuhu
  • the last but never least is that errr..mmmm..'i love ms ida nafisah so much..'(blushing..n out of cool..huhu)

4. Anda perlu memilih 6penerima award seterusnya dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.suke ati la nk buat ke x

>ms ida nafisah again..she's the most qualified person to receive awards

>dr. czarina due to thaughtful blog of hers

>hadiqatul's blog



>cik long

there..all questions have been answered..

nothin' much to say here..

just wanna have some food n rest..

have to stay alive for the next oral n Histo's

p/s sorry for here and there grammatical error..

been a long time since i don't practice my english here in Egypt..

n please never care bout the spell alright..??huhu..

later post will be written in full english..(as for my desire only..dunno if there is anyone whom'll read it..:)

for this one is not fulling my intention..

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tag from Ma Sis..

gheti gak kakak aku nih main tag2..huhu..
assalamualaikum wbt..
yahh spt yg terstate kat atas..
I was tagged by my sis long time ago (I think..?!)
so ni lah hasilnye..
mmg x menambah iman pon butttt..
bace je lahh..

1)Bekas kekasih aku adalah..

2)Aku sedang mendengar..
teman sejati by snaka..(huuu..rindu pada teman..)

3)Mungkin aku patut..
studyyy!!!exammm..!!(bukan mungkin lagii..mmg patut pon!!)

4)Aku suka..
buat mende yg buat aku happy i.e kaco org mungkin..(hehe jgn mare..)

5)Sahabat-sahabat aku...
nun jauh disana..x lupe yg dikeliling pinggang(bajet kwn ramai..huhu)

6)Aku tak paham..
nape org x paham..ssh sgt ke nak paham??..

7)Aku kehilangan..
seekor kucing yg paling aku syg..satu binatang purba..(bile nak jumpe)..pensel merah kesayangan!!

8)Ramai yang berkata..
aku garang..??!

10)Cinta itu adalah..
satu perasaan yg ingin aku rase dgn ya Khaliq dan kekasihNya..

11)Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang..
bercakap ngn sesorg melalui internet..skype rasenye..

12)Aku akan cuba..
kuruskn bdn n score for mumtaz n menyambung risalah agung n be the 'rabbaniyun' as stated in al-imran : verse 79..

13)Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud..
Allah swt..kekal dan abadi selamenye..

14)Telefon bimbit aku..
ade due..1 Egypt 1 M'sia..(tp due2 beli kat m'sia..bakal muncul yg ke 3 insyaAllah..huhu..)

15)Bile aku terjaga..
aku nak bgn teross pastu study..(nape la ssh bgn lately nih..huuu..)

16)Aku paling meluat..
bile ape yg diharapkan x spt yg diharapkan..(kene ubah sikap nih..mane bley meluat2 nih..)
(actually meluat tu cam extreme sgt je utk aku..huhu..aku ubah, 'aku paling x suke'..ulang jawapan di atas..)

17)Pesta/parti adalah..
sesuatu yg aku rase aku x penah lalui..(ye ke??) (teringat ahmad albab time kpg pening lalat..party gak tu kannn..huhu..)

18)Haiwan yang paling comel penah aku temui..

19)Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan aku ialah..
17..18..now..bakal 20 nanti..huhu..(hati berbunge2 nak capai no feveret..huhu..)

20)Hari ini..
x capai target tilawah sb.....(hiiii geram tol..dugaan2..nikmat dr Dia juga sebenarnye..positif2..huhu)

21)Malam ini aku akan..
tgk buku physio yg dah lame aku tinggalkan n tido awal insyaAllah..(boley ke??skunk pon tgh ngadap laptop buat mende alah ni..)

22)Esok pula aku akan..
g gam'ah amik delivery from m'sia..wahhh!!rindunye kampung halaman..(kampung ke??)

23)aku betul2 inginkan..
org paham aku tanpe aku ckp kat org..(just like what i did to them..i guess..)

24)Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini..
ade tgk cermin ke ari nih huh??

25)Pusat membeli belah atau arked permainan..
kalo dulu i would say game arcades but now..ermmmm..i guess it's still the same..game arcades!!

26)Makanan barat atau jepun..
Malaysia truly Asia..(gune tonasi lagu m'sia truly asia..)

27)Bilik yang terang atau gelap..
terang benderang yg menggunekan lampu kalimantang yg panjang..(gelap macam gua!)

28)Makanan segera adalah..
indomie..ngee..actually macaroni goreng yg aku buat pon instant gak..lagi mengenyangkan..

29)Ayat terakhir yang anda telah katakan pada seseorang..
fadhilah tu manchester ke??(kat dijah tp die x jawab..ye la tu kot..diam tande stuju..huhu..)

30)Siapa yang anda ingin tag..
bro chayunk
dr.czarin xoxo
effa xoxo
sesape yg sudi..
